Junior has picked the winner of the American Football limited edition show poster. The winner is revealed at the end. If ya won, shoot me an email to claim your prize!
The latest installment of the Midcentury Series is all done and available for your ordering pleasure. Inspired by my Mom's now-demolished childhood home in West Seattle, the print also features her Dad's now-discontinued blue Simca. The print is limited to 20 and available here.
Just finished up a poster for Manatee Commune, Cuff Lynx, and Boom Boom Kid at the Wild Buffalo in Bellingham, WA. Here it is!
I'm very excited to share this 4 color screen print I designed for STG and American Football for their show at the Neptune Theater here in Seattle. The print is limited to 30 and they'll be available at the show on February 26th. I'll also be doing a giveaway at the end of the month to win one. For more pictures and info about the print, click here.
April 2024