Last month I finished up some branding for Crabbleboard Club–the folks that will teach you how to sustainably and safely go crabbing from a paddle board. The design was inspired by old seafood menus and matchbooks from way back when. Follow 'em and be ready when the warm weather comes around! Next is a small addition to the Porchlight Design Co. shop. The perfect little companion to spare keys–The Motel Keychain. Enjoy your stay. While in-person music is slowly starting to be scheduled, the drive-in movie/music combo has been a go-to in early 2021. San Francisco's Roxie hosted a viewing of the Talking Heads' "Stop Making Sense" with live music by Andrew St. James. This poster was for digital marketing, as opposed to actual poster printing. When Oddfellows decided to go into a restaurant hibernation for a couple months due to the pandemic, they asked me to create a giant billboard to let people know that they'd see 'em soon...and soon has already arrived. That meant it was time for a new billboard. I wanted to tie in with the first billboard, so I used the same sunshine happy guy in the background, but with new colors and a new slogan. I suggested "We Saved You A Seat!" with the Oddfellows bright white bistro chairs and drew inspiration from European travel posters. Lastly, a handful of photos I took during the month of April:
April 2024